Specialized Applications Auserpolimeri

Specialized Applications

Innov­ative Polymer Func­tion­al­iz­a­tion and Compounding Solu­tions 

Auser­polimeri has substan­tial expertise on the func­tion­al­iz­a­tion and compounding of poly­meric matrices of various kinds and is equipped with a produc­tion plant that is extraordin­arily versatile and extremely produc­tion-effi­cient. Ongoing tech­nical collab­or­a­tion with our clients has allowed us to develop new mater­ials specific­ally designed for innov­ative tech­no­lo­gical solu­tions. Among others:

  • Poly­ol­efin Elast­omers (POE) and high fluidity Acrylic Copoly­mers, grafted with maleic anhyd­ride (POE-g-MAH), used for example as adhe­sion promoters in the hot-melt adhes­ives industry.
  • SEBS-based Ther­mo­plastic elast­omers (TPE) grafted with maleic anhyd­ride (SEBS-g-MAH) as compat­ib­il­izers and impact modi­fiers in poly­ester-based compounds (PET / PBT), poly­amide, PC / ABS.
  • Polyol­efin-based Poly­meric Compounds grafted with maleic anhyd­ride to be used as flex­ib­il­izing agents for nylon 6.


Ivana Castaldo

International Sales Customer Service

Tel.: +39 02 89450790

ivana.castaldo (at) auserpolimeri.it

Nicola Guidugli

Technical Department

Tel.: +39 338 6017022

nicola.guidugli (at) auserpolimeri.it

Alba Santaniello

International Sales Customer Service

Tel.: +39 02 89450791

alba.santaniello (at) auserpolimeri.it