Compatibilizers Auserpolimeri


Our Compat­ib­il­izers modify the inter­fa­cial prop­er­ties of incom­pat­ible poly­mers, stabil­izing the blend so that they can be processed. We have the following Compt­ab­il­izers in our port­folio: 

  • Compat­ib­il­izers for over­moulding.
  • Compat­ib­il­izers for HP poly­meric alloys.
  • Polymer recyc­ling compat­ib­il­izers.
  • Compat­ib­il­izers for biopoly­mers (under devel­op­ment).

The poly­mers of the Compoline® range modify the inter­fa­cial prop­er­ties of incom­pat­ible poly­mers, stabil­izing the blend so that they may be processed. Compoline® poly­mers are made from unique compounds of func­tion­al­ized poly­ol­efins and/or block copoly­mers char­ac­ter­ized by distinct chem­ical nature: the various blocks guar­antee the miscib­ility between the two initially incom­pat­ible phases, while the maleic effects trans­form the inter­fa­cial prop­er­ties, for a stable and work­able blend. The compat­ib­il­izing agents of the Compoline® range allow processing, while simul­tan­eously  enhan­cing the mech­an­ical prop­er­ties of PP and PE based polymer blends (possibly origin­ating from the recyc­ling chain), of polymer blends containing poly­ester (recycled PET, PBT and PLA), of various rubbers (EPR, POE, SEBS), poly­amides (nylon) and more.


Ivana Castaldo

International Sales Customer Service

Tel.: +39 02 89450790

ivana.castaldo (at)

Nicola Guidugli

Technical Department

Tel.: +39 338 6017022

nicola.guidugli (at)

Alba Santaniello

International Sales Customer Service

Tel.: +39 02 89450791

alba.santaniello (at)