About Us Auserpolimeri

About Us

An all-Italian company for a global market

Auser­polimeri, a company of Brugge­mann, Germany, special­izes in grafting maleic anhyd­ride and in chem­ical modi­fic­a­tion of poly­ol­efins and other polymer matrices. Auser­polimeri has gradu­ally expanded inter­na­tion­ally and currently exports its products to over thirty coun­tries world­wide. While devel­oping its inter­na­tional pres­ence, Auser­polimeri has strengthened its focus on tech­no­logy and innov­a­tion, with a partic­ular emphasis on providing quality tech­nical support while continu­ously devel­oping new products.

The produc­tion facil­ities span an area of more than 3,000 sq m and include a quality control lab, as well as a research & devel­op­ment and proto­typing unit with pilot extru­sion lines. 

The timeline below high­lights several mile­stones in the growth of the company.

1990-96Filing of the patents by the Pisa Univer­sity
  • Manu­fac­turing of poly­mers modi­fied with maleic anhyd­ride begins
  • Inaug­ur­a­tion of the new produc­tion plant.
  • Collab­or­a­tion with E&V for devel­oping pres­ence in the Italian market
  • ISO Certi­fic­a­tions obtained
  • Compounding capa­city is doubled
  • Acquis­i­tion by the Eigen­mann & Veron­elli Group
  • Expan­sion of the commer­cial network and of the product range
  • Expan­sion of produc­tion capa­cities
2022Acquis­i­tion by Brugge­mann, Germany – manu­fac­turer of polymer addit­ives, indus­trial chem­icals and ethanol