A Company of Brüggemann.

Auser­polimeri, an Italian company of Brugge­mann, Germany, special­izes in the grafting of poly­mers by means of reactive extru­sion. Poly­mers func­tion­al­ized with this tech­no­logy make up our product port­folio and include adhe­sion promoters, compat­ib­il­izers and impact modi­fiers. Our expertise in the engin­eering polymer market is char­ac­ter­ized by high-quality tech­nical advice and continuous product devel­op­ment.

The Brüggemann group has now been awarded the EcoVadis Platinum Medal, a sign of our relentless commitment to achieving our sustainability goals.

to the scorecard

Press release Sep 11th, 2023 

Bruggemann invests in CO2-neutral heat generation - Inauguration of the new biomass heating plant

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Auserpolimeri has been acquired by the German company Bruggemann which continues to expand its polymer additive business with this strategic acquisition in Italy.

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Would you like to learn more about the products of Bruggemann? 

With the commissioning of its new biomass heating plant in 2023, Bruggemann will change its energy supply at the Heilbronn site from fossil to renewable energy sources. In future, our parent company will use about 15,000 metric tons of biomass per year to cover its heating requirements. 

With its innovative biomass heating plant, Bruggemann not only focuses on efficient energy generation, but also creates a significant bond to sustainability. The CO2 emissions of its products is decreasing considerably. In turn Bruggemann's customers profit directly, reducing their carbon footprint and benefiting by supporting their sustainability goals. Bruggemann creates a future where advanced chemistry and sustainable thinking are the essential bond.

Find out more in the video!


“High perform­ance and high sustain­ab­ility cables for connectivity and energy trans­port, achieved through the devel­op­ment and char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion of innov­ative nano­ma­ter­ials”

R&D Project for the design and devel­op­ment of innov­ative elec­trical and optical fiber cables achieved through the use of multi­func­tional micronan­o­ma­ter­ials and of renew­able mater­ials char­ac­ter­ized by being ecocom­pat­ible, bio-based, with high perform­ances and recyc­lable.